Registering and insuring in either NY or Co?
Registering and insuring in either NY or Co?
I am new to this site, and also became aware of the atom through youtube. Thanks to Jeremy Clarkson i want one of these things so bad. However there isn't much in the way of tracks in upstate NY. So i would want to register it for street use, and wanted to know if anyone has been successful in doing so. Also i am a college student at the moment, and next spring i have to do an internship, and might do one in Fort Collins CO. My uncle lives there and I've been there before, and i like that area. So i might end up moving out there for a job eventually. So obviously i won't be ordering one of these anytime soon. Gotta finish school first. Oh and if anyone lives in upstate NY that has one of these, i would love to see it and maybee get a ride sometime. Reynolds.
Re: Registering and insuring in either NY or Co?
Welcome Reyno109, it would be difficult to know what registration issues you might encounter in a few years when you order but right now CO would be much easier place to register than NY. Registration for cars like this vary quite a bit state to state with some being very simple to others being impossible. But it is possible and there are many of us already registered and insured.
Re: Registering and insuring in either NY or Co?
Im in Albany, and you can all but forget NY at this point. It's been stopped Cold Hard and Dead... but, the determined sometimes find a way. ALL avenues have been extensivly explored... and short of a mistake or blind eye, it aint happenin.
CO is much better from what i have heard.
CO is much better from what i have heard.
Re: Registering and insuring in either NY or Co?
I guess we'll find out about the Colorado deal in a few weeks.
Re: Registering and insuring in either NY or Co?
what about a dealer bringing it in? Because if you are a registered dealer you can slap dealer plates on anything and drive it, it doesn't have to be inspected, insurance is covered under the dealership, and they are exempt from emissions testing. Just a thought. That's for NY state anyway.
Re: Registering and insuring in either NY or Co?
what about a dealer bringing it in? Because if you are a registered dealer you can slap dealer plates on anything and drive it, it doesn't have to be inspected, insurance is covered under the dealership, and they are exempt from emissions testing. Just a thought. That's for NY state anyway.
That was an early Avenue...and there is a resounding NO to that idea...its in written form rather clearly when it all boils down.
what about a dealer bringing it in? Because if you are a registered dealer you can slap dealer plates on anything and drive it, it doesn't have to be inspected, insurance is covered under the dealership, and they are exempt from emissions testing. Just a thought. That's for NY state anyway.
That was an early Avenue...and there is a resounding NO to that idea...its in written form rather clearly when it all boils down.
Re: Registering and insuring in either NY or Co?
Well thanks anyway, just thought it might be usefull. Sorry to see you are having such a hard time gitting your car registered. We need someone in the NY government to want one, that way they can change the law so we can get it. But somehow i don't think Hilary is going to go for it. Maybee the new governor, but who knows.
Re: Registering and insuring in either NY or Co?
Jammer, if I get mine registered in CT you can "move" here! Won't the neighbors be impressed seeing 2 Atoms in the yard! Albany's not that far from me, 2-3 hours max. My niece is gonna need something to learn how to drive on anyway
Re: Registering and insuring in either NY or Co?
I havent had a hpe of a NY reg since the week after I ordered mine. I am planning to "re-locate"
Re: Registering and insuring in either NY or Co?
I was speaking to Brammo Motorsports and they indicated that buys did register in NY and CT. No one in NJ.
I am really thinking about getting this car but I am still worried about registration. We have few tracks in NY (Lime Rock, Nazareth, Pocono) but it will be awesome to drive to autocross events and cruse around town.
Please let me know or help me find someone in NY who has been able to register the car.
Also â?? if you register the car out of town, do you have to have the car in that state in order to have DMV look at it? Just wondering if I could use my sistersâ?? NV address to register the car. Viva Las Vegas!!!!
I am really thinking about getting this car but I am still worried about registration. We have few tracks in NY (Lime Rock, Nazareth, Pocono) but it will be awesome to drive to autocross events and cruse around town.
Please let me know or help me find someone in NY who has been able to register the car.
Also â?? if you register the car out of town, do you have to have the car in that state in order to have DMV look at it? Just wondering if I could use my sistersâ?? NV address to register the car. Viva Las Vegas!!!!
Re: Registering and insuring in either NY or Co?
There is someone here with NY plates so I know it is possible but I'll let them contact if they can share any information
Re: Registering and insuring in either NY or Co?
Bolus -- Thanks -- Do yo happen to know his screen name????

===== THANK YOU IN ADVANCE ========

===== THANK YOU IN ADVANCE ========
Re: Registering and insuring in either NY or Co?
Since they haven't put their name on the list,3177.0.html I dont want to volunteer their name for them. It is too bad we have to be secretive about some of this stuff but we have had DMV officials come here with the sole purpose of trying to figure out how to keep us from registering. So hopefully they will send you a PM to help you out.
Re: Registering and insuring in either NY or Co?
As a side note... there are two Atoms with NY plates... and when I got mine in VT, I walked into DMV and out in 7 minutes flat. They wanted tax dollars is all... lady asked what an Atom was.. I said "You know...they are always comeing out with new cars... just another new car with a different name". That was it. I walked out. They dont require proof of Insurance...and best of all, they didnt ask for ID and didnt care if my address was out of state .. perhaps all I went to a satelite office in the back of a grocery store (gotta love VT). Lastly, you can not get a ticket for an uninspected vehicle except for in the state in which it is registered in. So, in my case, I had a legally registered car, and could drive anywhere in the US, except the state it was registered in..cause I wouldn't likely have passed inspection without several oversights.
Re: Registering and insuring in either NY or Co?
As a side note... there are two Atoms with NY plates... and when I got mine in VT, I walked into DMV and out in 7 minutes flat. They wanted tax dollars is all... lady asked what an Atom was.. I said "You know...they are always comeing out with new cars... just another new car with a different name". That was it. I walked out. They dont require proof of Insurance...and best of all, they didnt ask for ID and didnt care if my address was out of state .. perhaps all I went to a satelite office in the back of a grocery store (gotta love VT). Lastly, you can not get a ticket for an uninspected vehicle except for in the state in which it is registered in. So, in my case, I had a legally registered car, and could drive anywhere in the US, except the state it was registered in..cause I wouldn't likely have passed inspection without several oversights.
Hey are your Beemers working out? Have you raced them this year at all?
As a side note... there are two Atoms with NY plates... and when I got mine in VT, I walked into DMV and out in 7 minutes flat. They wanted tax dollars is all... lady asked what an Atom was.. I said "You know...they are always comeing out with new cars... just another new car with a different name". That was it. I walked out. They dont require proof of Insurance...and best of all, they didnt ask for ID and didnt care if my address was out of state .. perhaps all I went to a satelite office in the back of a grocery store (gotta love VT). Lastly, you can not get a ticket for an uninspected vehicle except for in the state in which it is registered in. So, in my case, I had a legally registered car, and could drive anywhere in the US, except the state it was registered in..cause I wouldn't likely have passed inspection without several oversights.
Hey are your Beemers working out? Have you raced them this year at all?
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