What would be YOUR perfect set of F1 rules

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John Scherrer
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Re: What would be YOUR perfect set of F1 rules

Post by John Scherrer » Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:57 am

Use of slick tyres returned in 2009 ...
Atom 3 310 Supercharged (2011), Now Sold


Re: What would be YOUR perfect set of F1 rules

Post by Steve050567 » Mon Apr 26, 2010 1:24 pm

Get rid of the seamless gear changes, they make such a horrid sound


Re: What would be YOUR perfect set of F1 rules

Post by nickpoore » Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:15 pm

I'm really not sure that I understand the question here.

Are we coming up with just a single set of rules that everyone needs to follow?

Or or we coming up with a single set of rules that everyone (including Ferrari) need to follow, but Ferrari will ignore anyway, and then the FIA will jump in and say that Ferrari have a long-standing exemption anyway, and the rules were never meant for them, and then give us a big fine to help Ferrari pay for their development and testing, that were banned anyway, but they needed to do it because all their cars kept burning up, which was probably someone else's fault as the other guys were using defusers that meant that Ferrari couldn't win and their Mommy said they were gonna win this time.

Just wondering...


Re: What would be YOUR perfect set of F1 rules

Post by AndyLUFC » Sun May 02, 2010 4:19 pm

I'd have them pretty much as is, with the following mods:

1)  Points for pole.
2)  Points for fastest lap.
3)  Emphasis shift from aero to mechanical grip.
4)  Add a big oval (just 1).

John H

Re: What would be YOUR perfect set of F1 rules

Post by John H » Sun May 02, 2010 4:49 pm

Having just been to Brands for the BTCC and Clio Cup today, god only knows why anyone bothers watching F1.
So evenly matched and competitive it's amazing as a spectacle.
F1 is the equivalent of heavyweight boxing.......the most popular, but really not the most interesting to watch

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