Need help dailying a track atom

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Need help dailying a track atom

Post by oryo » Sun Apr 07, 2024 5:39 am


So... It's happening. I'm getting my absolute dream "you really shouldn't be doing it" car - an atom 3.
I'm not supposed to do it, it's juvenile, irresponsible, irrational, but who am I kidding I'm writing this message on a forum of fellow hulligans who own this silly thing.

So anyway, I should be getting it next week, it's a supercharged atom 3, but the previous-previous owner stripped it down so no panels, no windscreen, no fenders but worst of all - no lights (yes wiring!).

My plan is to drive this car in the public road, I live in Austin TX so I can get 4-5mo of potential usage per year (won't drive it on peak winter/summer). it's not going to be my daily (lol), but it's also not going to be track use only.

With all of that context, here's where I need help, and cross my fingers I can find some nice folks to share their experience with a fellow enthusiast.

1. Lighting - that's my main concern for now. I have the wiring ready, but no lights. I'm trying to acquire something but tmi have no been super quick or respond. If anyone is selling - please dm, assuming not, any ideas for getting this sorted out? Any Amazon links etc? I've been googling the crap out of this, to no avail.

2. Ignition - I'm gonna take my steering wheel with me when I leave it out in the open, but if there's any suggestion for an ignition solution, do tell.

3. Windshield - is there any way to get this situated? Anyone seen anyone getting this resolved?

4. Side panels - I'm x'ing my fingers to get them from tmi, otherwise I'll have to fabricate somehow. Any chance there are schematics anywhere?

I got me a Konig Heliogram in bronze, will mount Falken Azenis 615k next week, will post pictures & review so others might find it, since I didn't really find anything and just yolo'ed it 😅

Exciting stuff. Thanks for reading, I hope I'll be able to situate this and drive safely and spread the atom love amongst other enthusiasts 🙌

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