Potential newbie - autumn resale potential?

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Potential newbie - autumn resale potential?

Post by Jerwatt » Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:03 pm


Ok, I know the resale potential is good and normally has very little depreciation, but have a few questions in regards to shorter term ownership.

I live in the north of Norway and was wondering if I buy an Atom now for summer how difficult would it be to sell around August/September? I guess there would be two issues. First, selling in autumn; do they sell then or would I have to wait until next spring (I guess it obviously depends on the price, but would it be a large reduction to sell)? The other issue is higher kms. It's approximately a 2000 mile trip one way (to London) from where I live and I'd it to and from the UK.  Is there a rough cutoff where it becomes difficult to sell? 

For example how much approximately would I lose on something like this car?


I have a good deal with accomodation through work until next spring, so this would be using my "house deposit" for a while to have some fun. It would be good to have the money back before next spring for buying a place. Cars are so expensive to register in Norway there's no point in registering it here (for example my 1.6l 1999 MX-5 is around £7000)! Still, it means a few thousand £ isn't bad in regards to depreciation which makes this more justifable! And another plus side is not having to go out and buy lots of ski gear as I already have it, :D

An Atom would be the "perfect" car as the speed limits are low so the acceleration is important. The other thing is the ground clearance/ visability for bad roads - it would be better than something like a Lotus 2-Eleven.

Thanks for any help!

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