Potential owner

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Re: Potential owner

Post by markwetherall » Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:36 pm

Living in Jersey I have not had the pleasure of getting the car services by the factory yet as it will cost me £400.00 for a ferry then 2 nights hotel, and all the other bits and pieces you have to pay out for. I have to budget £1000.00 just to get it to them.  What I have done so far is found a garage locally where people with caterhams take there cars for a service and asked what people thought of the garage.  I have to admin he charges £57.00 per hour and takes really good care of the car.  He only test drives it when I am in the car.  I get the car serviced 2-3 times a year.  I do about 6000 miles and about 4 track days a year.

All I can say is that Ariel have built a superb quality machine using the Honda engine which is proven to be reliable.  Don't be afraid to use a garage just do your research first and make sure he only test drives it when you are in the car.
Atom4 350
Jaguar SVR
Lives in Jersey so thats 9x5 miles and nowhere to drive fast


Re: Potential owner

Post by KrisC2 » Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:23 pm

Chris - have you managed to find yourself an Atom yet? Summers here and the weathers good!

Hi Dan,
Been looking but no joy, will give this one a bell and pop over all being well at the weekend.


Anyone know it ? ..............


Re: Potential owner

Post by DanSki » Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:21 pm

Looks quite a nice machine. I'd give the factory a quick call, give them the number plate & they should be able to give you the history.

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