Started getting quotes for insurance - gee shouldn't I have done this already?
1st quote:
Progressive - $1938........for 6 months???!!!!
I'm 37, a homeowner, and haven't had a ticket in years with no accidents
The only reason I called them is because my regular agent kept me waiting all week. Finally got thru to him, and he is getting me a quote thru Classic. Of course, with the forms and photos, I won't know the quote until the end of next week. Meanwhile the car sits...
Next Thurs it gets trailered to the DMV for inspection...
Insurance in CT
Re: Insurance in CT
dford, please see post- ... .html . That is about SIX times higher than I was quoted for a given time period. Is your record bad? Sean was very fair with me.
Re: Insurance in CT
Yes, Rally covers CT so definitely get a quote from Sean (make sure you only speak with Sean). He will be less expensive and give you more miles than Classic,4005.0.html,4005.0.html
Re: Insurance in CT
I haven't had a ticket in 5 years, never an accident. Thanks for the tip
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