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New Website

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:20 pm
by Richard Marler
OK, here is what we know at this point and I will try to keep this thread updated as and when we know more:

The plan is currently to switch to the new website on Thursday. There is bound to be some down time and some time when the DNS name servers are pointing to the old site, but we will try to keep that to a minimum.

One of the main technical changes happening with the new site, is that there will now only be one user profile for each user. This has been done to simplify the user experience of the site and will combine the previous forum and membership profiles. The combined profile is based on your current forum profile, which will then be updated with membership information. We are not currently planning on bringing forward any car details, though you can add this manually in the new profile.

We are expecting all users to need to update their password once the migration has taken place. I don't have the exact details of how this will work yet, but this thread is in an open area of the forum, so you will be able to see instructions and updates, without the need to log in.

When you log in to the new website, you will be able to check your membership status and, if you are a 'Full' member, you will be able to see when your membership expires. For all existing members, your membership will expire at the end of February 2012. For all new members, membership will run for 12 months from the day you sign up.

We currently have 183 full members (149 from the UK, 19 in the US and the remainder from the rest of the world), that will have access to the members area of the website and to the clubroom in the forum. We will check through those members to try and make sure you have the correct level of access, but it is possible some will get missed. This especially the case, if you did not originally pay or renew with Paypal.

The initial aim of the new site, is to provide a sustainable structure for the club moving forward. The content on it is a mix of old and new, but moving forward the new structure will allow us to easily update it and keep it fresh. Contributions from members is key in this area.

Your actions:

1. When you first log in you will need to change your password. Further information will be posted on this.
2. Next you should check your membership status under the 'Update Account' page. This should show 'Forum' or ' Full membership'. If you are a full member you can also check the membership expiry date.
3. Optionally you can update your car information in the 'Update Account' page.
4. Full members should also check they have access to the members area of the new site and the clubroom in the forum.

Re: New Website

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:02 pm
by Richard Marler
As part of the migration we have had to delete non-active users both from the forum and from the old membership database.

For the forum, all users that have never posted AND have not been online since 01-06-2011 have been deleted.

For the old membership database, only currently paid up members will be brought through to the new database.

In you have been affected by this process, then we apologise for any inconvenience and we will help where possible to recreate your account. This should simply be a matter of creating a new account, once the new site goes live.

Re: New Website

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:18 am
by Richard Marler
New Forum Rules have now been posted and the old rules archived. The new set of rules is substantially based on content provided by Bruce, Ross and Terry Kennedy, and is intended to be a common sense guide to forum use to the benefit of all users.

Re: New Website

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:28 pm
by Richard Marler
Main website migration is now planned for tomorrow, due to unforeseen circumstances today.

Re: New Website

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 11:45 am
by Richard Marler
OK, the new website is now live!!  8)

We have currently automatically matched 164 of about 194 members. For those matched people the instructions below apply. For the remaining 30 or so paid up members I will need to create new profiles and will email them directly. If you are one of these 30 or so or if you have any other problem with your username and / or password, please email me

As previously mentioned various actions now need to take place and we are going to handle the paid up members first.

Full members instructions.

1. Change your password. You can currently log in using your username and a password in the following format: surname (all lower case) and then Date of Birth (ddmmyyyy). So, for example, John Smith, born 27/06/1958, his password will be smith27061958. Once logged in, click on update account and you can change your password.

2. Whilst updating your profile, you can optionally update any address or car details that you wish. If you update you car details, then your rough location will be shown on the owners map.

3. Check that you have access to the Forum Clubroom.

4. Check that you have access to the Members area of the main site showing technical guides and special offers, etc.

5. Once you have done the above, please confirm so in the roll call thread.

Re: New Website

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:00 pm
by Richard Marler
OK, I guess I am semi-ready for the forum only members. Some of you have emailed me already (obviously not having seen the above  ::) ), but this is what I need from you:

1. Email me (, with your username, the email address you registered with, first name, last name and date of birth.
2. I will email you back a password.
3. Once logged in, click on Update account, to change your password.
4. Optionally update any other information. If you add an address and car details, then your rough location will appear on the owner maps.
5. Sign on in the roll call thread,13283.0.html

Accounts will be activated in order I receive the email and I am not staying doing this all night. I will get to you all though in order.

Re: New Website

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:03 pm
by Richard Marler
We are currently aware of two main problem areas:

1. PM system is not working - Piers is currently looking a this. Now fixed
2. Owner maps not fully working - this appears to be a Google limitation, that we will need to find a better solution to. This won't be looked at until early January
3. Email notifications are also not working properly. Now fixed
4. Log ins are not persistent for some users. In particular, changing URL style from, to, to seems to cause users to need to log in again.