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Re: New Website Discussion

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:56 am
by Richard Marler
Also not sure if mentioned before, I don't seem to be getting notifications via email of PMs, used to get these.

Email notifications are not working at all. This is probably the priority 1 issue.

Re: New Website Discussion

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 11:04 pm
by drj
Just got an inbox full of notifications!  ;)

Re: New Website Discussion

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 11:10 pm
by drj
[quote="John Scherrer"]
"Another thing - benyeats's post is timed at 21:44:36 yet it's only 20:48 here - is the forum stuck in Summer Time? - I can't find a setting to alter the time? Please advise."

The old forum occasionally had some issues when the clocks changed and you may have set the forum time in your profile to +1 or -1 to correct this?

First check Windows
Go to Control Panel, choose 'Date and Time' and check your time is correct and set to 'GMT Standard Time'. Check that 'Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes' is ticked.

Check Forum Profile
Click Profile, choose Forum Profile
Click Modify Profile, choose Look and Layout

The current Forum Time should match the real time
If you post or modify one of your recent posts and the time shown is out by an hour (say), then you can adjust this by changing the Time Offset to -1 or +1 or 0 as required.

Mine is 0 (Auto detect)

Apologies for not replying sooner - just had an avalanche of notifications!

Thanks - now sorted - my system clock was as noted but the Forum time setting was showing as "1 (Auto detect)" so have manually changed to 0.

I didn't realise that there was a submenu on the "Modify Profile" button - don't know why...

Re: New Website Discussion

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:15 am
by John Scherrer
Glad you got it sorted Dave !

Re: New Website Discussion

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:13 pm
by Bruce Fielding
I like the look of the new website

Not sure about the new logo yet, but I guess it'll take a bit of getting used to - especially for me...

Can I ask what has happened to the hundreds of photos that were in the old gallery?

And how current will the site be? Is there going to be a monthly update on the news site - one of the things that gets me about sites in general is when there's no activity for quite some time - it can appear a little stale.

Will there be a tie up between the site and Social Media? That aspect of the site seems to be a bit lacking... 
For example, we could see the tweets, blogs, facebook updates from the AAOC page etc on this one...

Re: New Website Discussion

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:33 pm
by julian
Just a quick query, if this were linked to facebook etc, what is the advantage, what would it give members, AAOC. I don't have a facebook account and don't really want one, thats not to say I wouldn't if I was missing out on something?
Isn't having the forum what we are after?



Re: New Website Discussion

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:48 pm
by Bruce Fielding
It's about being up to date in two ways.

Firstly, most people are now getting more and more social media savvy. It's not going to go away - in fact it will become the way of interacting on the web in much the same way that forums gave for specialist groups.

Secondly, information should be aggregated so that something posted in one place appears everywhere, thus avoiding the boring and time wasting repetition of input over a number of different places. A news feed working in a sidebar would offer website readers instant and simultaneous access to whatever was happening on the more interatcive areas.

For example, interesting posts on the forum could appear on the site, attracting people to the forum.

For some time, the internet-based side of the club has been practically 100% reliant on the forum. There has to be more to it than just a place for a bit of a natter. Changing the focus and the bias more towards the website is a good idea. It was left as a wasteland for far too long.

It'll take time for people to hit the site before going to the forum, but if there's stuff of interest on the site that isn't on the forum, then that's a good thing.

Take Pistonheads as an example and you'll see what I mean.

Re: New Website Discussion

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:45 pm
by Terry Kennedy
Now that I've had some time to get accustomed to the new site, I've got some opinions to share.

I believe that the goal is to have the main website be the portal for everything. To that end, I changed my bookmark to point to so I see the main page each time. However, some things aren't integrated as tightly as they could be:

I've already mentioned the login issue, where the forum remembers me but the main page doesn't. I've discovered that this is actually a deeper issue - while the header will tell me "Welcome back Terry", it doesn't think I'm actually logged in - if I click on any of the restricted functions in the header bar, I get told that I need to log in.

Similarly, if I have a PM waiting, I need to visit the forum to be notified about it. It would be nice if the main site could at least say that I have a new message and optionally link to the forum's "My messages" function.

Re: New Website Discussion

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:43 pm
by Richard Marler
Owner maps are now working.

Piers is still looking at the persistence of user log on.

Re: New Website Discussion

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:59 pm
by Yorkshire
Maps Cool  ;D

I assume its the one you access via Worldwide and then Uk.

I see you have set it up as discussed to not show accurately where the cars actually are  :tu:

But mine now looks like i live in the local pub lol

Can we not tell even as a member which of the markers are which forum member ?



Re: New Website Discussion

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:18 pm
by glyn430
You do live in the pub  :D

Re: New Website Discussion

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:24 pm
by Yorkshire
Yes but NOT THAT ONE  :drool:

Re: New Website Discussion

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 5:04 pm
by John Scherrer
Can't believe Wales is such a desert with all those lovely roads going begging !

Re: New Website Discussion

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:04 pm
by drj
[quote="Richard Marler"]
Owner maps are now working.

I've just checked my area.

You're showing 2 in Gloucester - but I'm only aware of mine. When I hover over the two the cursor changes to a hand implying a clickable link - but clicking doesn't result in anything happening - so I can't check what's being portrayed.

You're showing none in Cheltenham - I thought there were two or three at least there.

I thought there was one in Worcester too - though that might be the one shown in Evesham?

And I've liaised with someone in South Wales too...

Re: New Website Discussion

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:48 pm
by Yorkshire
I would guess those you know with Atoms haven't set up there address details within the forum.

I just went into the members tab and then into Update account. When i changed my post code surprise surprise my location on the map changed.

Hope this helped  ;D