Thank you's for Atom Fest

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Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by silver » Mon Oct 22, 2007 8:55 pm

I thought I'd start a seperate thread so I can express my thanks to the individuals for the best week ever!

Thank you Randy, FOR EVERYTHING, including the spare Mobile 1
Thank you McFred, for the fuel, and offering the oil, and just being awesome guys
Thank you Ray from Fortress Performance for helping me fab a new exhaust replacement for the blown out Flex Pipe
Thank you Stephens Brothers, for allowing us to be at your track, for allowing us to invade your garage, for making me a new oil line and welding my exhaust
Thank you Bolus for your Torque Wrench, I know how important it is to you, thanks for your fuel, and for not hitting me on my first spin of the event
Thank you Bruce for not hitting me when I spun out in TK's coolant pool
Thank you TK for the owner's maintnance seminar it was damn helpful
Thank you Tim Webb for driving like the badass you are
Thank you Joe for giving me your sweatshirt for the ride home from Tulsa and driving my Atom for a few laps to show me what the hell to do with my's going to take tons of practice, and I'm up for the challange.
Thank you Eric Howe for bringing the Fortress Performance Guy's out they are awesome guys
Thank you to all of Randy's family and crew for manning the staging and traqmate install, and all the behind the scenes stuff
Thank you Dennis for sharing the RV with snore like a son of a bitch but after a few nights..I kinda needed it to fall asleep
Thank you Chicken Dance song for waking me up in the morning, I didn't bring an alarm clock
Thank you to whomever picked up / stole my radar're forcing me to buy a new "better" one that I wouldn't have bought normally
Thank you Shinoo and Rfmarz for the positive encouragement during the driving knowing it was my first time and all you both gave me a lot of positive feedback
Thank you Synergy for giving me an exhaust gasket when I needed it the most, I know you were handing them out like napkins
Thank you Gage for being there first of all, secondly for taking soooo many awesome pictures.
Thank you to all the corner workers for throwing up yellows everytime I went off track and it happened A LOT
Thank you RyanD for lending me your ramps to load the car back up
Thank you John Lloyd for keeping your rep alive and taking your clothes off....thank god I wasn't there to witness
Thank you Jacob Potts for the novel you will probably write about the event
Thank you Bottoz for offering your oil, and tools to work on my car, and for being a badass person all around
Thank you Darth Chicken for going all the way to Synergy in a tornado to get your car dyno'd it shows a lot of courage to do that.
Thank you Eddie Hill for being the best first time on track driver I've seen, thanks for making the trip we all know you don't like to drive
Thank you Tom from Brammo for coming out and being the brave sole that you were...I hope we didn't make you regret coming out, I'm sure it was not an easy decision to come out without a full staff of support
Thank you Ariel UK employees and Simon for making the ultimate sacrifice of leaving the shop to come all the way across the pond to this event, and not being shy about jumping in with 2 feet to help everyone there.
Thank you those of you who bummed me a smoke here and there...I've pretty much quit but there were a few times that the stress warranted a smoke...that's what I'm telling myself anyways.

More thanks to come..for now the brain needs a rest!
Last edited by silver on Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by Gage » Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:05 pm

I'm going to say Ditto to everything Silver said.  Thanks for putting it to words man.

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Bruce Fielding
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Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:13 pm
Location: London

Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by Bruce Fielding » Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:23 pm

double ditto
Ariel Atom Owners Club founder, based in Central London


Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by Driver » Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:47 pm

I will say "triple Ditto" and add:
Thank you Bruce & Ross for this wonderful forum that spawns such ardent interest in a unique vehicle.

Thank you Alec Butler for bringing my Roof Helmet all the way from England

Thank you Adam for my first ride.

Thank you Adam for my first mod session on a Atom (clogged cat)

Thank you Adam for my 2nd ever ride. This time without a plugged cat. :)

Thank you Jim Sharp for my first time to pilot a Atom on & off a track!

Thank you RFMarz, Spaz, Rob, Alec for allowing me to ride with you around the track.

Thank you Peter (CalScott) for allowing me to experience the adrenaline pounding thrust that is your Atom doing it's
best to stop the rotation of the planet by acelerating in the opposite direction.

Thank you CalScott and Spaz for giving a whole new meaning to The Chicken Song and 'choking the chicken' as well.

Thank you volunteers and family of Randy's that worked tirelessly behind the scenes keeping things running so smoothly and allowing us to roam pampantly around the grounds soaking everything up.

Thank you also to Synergy and all their guys, not just Jim alone, who worked tirelessly night and day keeping not just their own cars but others on the track.

Thank you everyone, for attending.

Ohh, and thank you for putting up with the wide eyed Texan still dreaming, asking questions, and overall just impatiently waiting for the moment he gets one for himself.


Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by Driver » Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:58 pm


Thank You God for the days of clear weather to hold AtomFest on. For the rain storm that just washed the track clean and clear on the day (Wednesday) we arrived and then the sun that dried it out and made everything nice the following days. For holding off the cold front that blew through just hours after we cleared the OK border. :)


Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by SHARPATOM2 » Mon Oct 22, 2007 11:35 pm

I would like to thank.....

Randy and his family and crew.

The Stevens Brothers and family, as well as the cornerworkers, wrecker and rescue personal.

The other sponsers.

To the Brit Pack who traveled so far and mad it so special.

To Simon and all of his fine people.

To the Brammo guys.

To the Atom owners and there families and friends who sacrificed so much time, money and energy to attend the event and make it a time in my life, I will never forget.

To the people who came to see the Atom and enjoy the experiance with us.

And last but not least, to my guys at Synergy Autowoks, Kyong and family, Ramin, Mark and Dartanyon they did a great job for me and many others, chasing parts, fix cars, even with hangovers.

I can't wait for the next one.


Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by bolus » Mon Oct 22, 2007 11:38 pm

I'd like to thank Bruce for not passing me when he was driving behind me in the Cadillac on the track. 


Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by Driver » Mon Oct 22, 2007 11:47 pm

I'd like to thank Bruce for GETTING in my way in the Cadillac AS I was trying to catch up to you.  :doh:



Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by Jammer » Tue Oct 23, 2007 4:33 am

A special thank you to Shinoo and Darth Chicken for the time spent to provide rides.

I wasn't there long enough to beg borrow and steal from the rest of you, but rest assuered, theres always next year. 

Class act all around.

To the rest of you, such as Mark K and his better half Julie, Driver, John Lloyd, Bruce, Bottoz, Bolus, Gage, Spaz...and many more.... I was able to meet and greet....  nice to have talked.  I wish I had more time to hang and get to know you each just a little better.
Last edited by Jammer on Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

John Lloyd

Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by John Lloyd » Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:37 am

Thnak you to everyone who made me feel so welcomed it WAS a fantastic event.  I promise next time to spend more time in a car ;D


Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by rfmarz@frontiernet » Tue Oct 23, 2007 4:51 pm

With or without your clothes on, John?  :laugh: :laugh:


Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by Driver » Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:02 pm

He threatened to ride home in the buff from Sonic. I told him underpants coming off was not debateable but dared him on the rest.



Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by NathanE » Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:26 pm

Even though I wasn't there, thanks to everyone who was and posted for enabling us to enjoy a bit of the excitement and enjoyment of the whole event, I wish I could have been there.    :tu:


Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by shinoo » Tue Oct 23, 2007 8:31 pm

I'd like to extend a big thank you to Fortress for their support.  My car needed a new exhaust gasket on the second day and Ray helped get 'er fixed.  Of course this could not have happened without help from Jim & his team from Synergy - they went into Tulsa to get parts.  :tu: :tu: :tu:


Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by starter » Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:24 am

I would like to thank everyone who made the event happen We loved meeting all of you.. And learned a few things...The Trip to the bar was fun was worried about all of you falling out of the back of the truck and espicaly on the way home...Was worried That i would never get you guys to leave, but all ended well Till pants started fall off once we mad it back to the track, I seen a side of some i never thought i would, BUT WE LOVED IT HOPE YOU COME BACK NEXT YEAR!!!!!

SAMI :laugh:

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