AtomFest Track Event/Competition Thread Sept 2009.

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Re: AtomFest Track Event/Competition Thread Sept 2009.

Post by silver » Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:32 pm

the only problem that occurred was people got so excited about driving on the track they forgot to look in their mirrors and realizing that even though they probably felt they were going lightening fast....they were dog slow :D


Re: AtomFest Track Event/Competition Thread Sept 2009.

Post by dp35 » Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:49 pm

Nobody needs to worry who can keep up with anybody. I have it all figured out already.  Eric Howe wins in the bar. Nobody can keep up with him. DP35 gets the track record. I get a major hangover trying to keep up with Eric and blow my motor trying to catch DP35. It's just all good fun! :laugh:[/quote]

Thanks for the kind words, but I'm not expecting to just show up and beat the locals, especially those locals.  I'll be happy to keep up and keep the car in one fully functioning piece.

You and hangover - now THAT'S a sure thing!


Re: AtomFest Track Event/Competition Thread Sept 2009.

Post by 1965Cobra427 » Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:04 pm

I'll be extremely impressed by any Atom owner who can beat Eddie Hill!


Re: AtomFest Track Event/Competition Thread Sept 2009.

Post by CalScot » Tue Jan 27, 2009 6:15 pm

I'll be extremely impressed by any Atom owner who can beat Eddie Hill!

I think I can take him by 3 beers and 2 whiskies!  :laugh:

What is the track schedule the few days before the event? Can we get an extra open track day the day before. I for one would easily come a few days early to recover from the travel. An extra set-up day would be nice.

Jacob Potts

Re: AtomFest Track Event/Competition Thread Sept 2009.

Post by Jacob Potts » Sun Apr 26, 2009 6:05 pm

Okay, okay!  I have the perfect solution for this bitter "clockwise/counterclockwise" argument. 

First, remember that. for the British contingent, "counterclockwise" is "anticlockwise." :-)

Session 1.  Clockwise.
Session 2.  Counterclockwise
Session 3.  Anyone who wants to go clockwise, goes clockwise.  Everyone who wants to go counterclockwise, go counterclockwise.

Talk about exciting racing and plenty of opportunities for overtaking!

I mean, how hard can it be?

Jacob Potts :-)


Re: AtomFest Track Event/Competition Thread Sept 2009.

Post by McFred » Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:39 pm

I would also like to try that track both deasil and widdershins, but if we're going to do it at the same time I'm going to rent a Feard Excretion for that session.


Re: AtomFest Track Event/Competition Thread Sept 2009.

Post by Heywood-Yablowme » Mon Jun 08, 2009 5:00 pm

SVTOA will be at Hallett on September 11-13, Hallett Motor Racing Circuit, Hallett, Oklahoma   If I were to attend.....I would be down to take advantage of their three days as well. ;)


Re: AtomFest Track Event/Competition Thread Sept 2009.

Post by 1965Cobra427 » Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:40 am

SVTOA will be at Hallett on September 11-13, Hallett Motor Racing Circuit, Hallett, Oklahoma   If I were to attend.....I would be down to take advantage of their three days as well. ;)

Here's the skinny on SVOTA. They bring TONS of cars, the track is way too crowded - BUT -  on Saturday, they go off-campus to the drag strip in Tulsa. Best track time during SVOTA.  :tu:


Re: AtomFest Track Event/Competition Thread Sept 2009.

Post by Heywood-Yablowme » Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:16 am

Good to know,Randy. I attended a few of their events at Summit Point raceway and always had fun.Well run and not bad on track.They divided up the run groups very well.

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Re: AtomFest Track Event/Competition Thread Sept 2009.

Post by Alec » Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:04 pm

[quote="Jacob Potts"]
Session 3.  Anyone who wants to go clockwise, goes clockwise.  Everyone who wants to go counterclockwise, go counterclockwise.

I would also like to try that track both deasil and widdershins, but if we're going to do it at the same time I'm going to rent a Feard Excretion for that session.

I know it's not a serious suggestion, as it is obviously a recipe for disaster, but it does bring up the possibility of an incident so, prompted by another thread about the LHC, 'Is the end of the earth nigh?', I was wondering if there should be the threat of a 'Hadron' trophy for anyone who collides with another Atom.  ;D
Atom 245, (Atom 160 - SOLD), Yamaha XVZ1300 Royal Star, Ford Sierra 4X4 Ghia Estate, Skoda Octavia vRS Estate, VW Golf 2.0 TSI GTI (Nadine's)


Re: AtomFest Track Event/Competition Thread Sept 2009.

Post by 1965Cobra427 » Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:14 pm

AtomFest begins officially 60 Days from tomorrow!

Time has come to create the official schedule for AtomFest. I would appreciate some feedback as to on-track events.

This thread entertained the idea of adding an autocross type event to the schedule. Due to the configuration of the track, this would conflict with some of the full track lapping sessions. My general impression of the feedback here is that most would prefer to have more full track sessions, even if it meant eliminating the autocross altogether. I have no preference on this.

As it stands right now, the on-track events we are considering include:

Full track lapping sessions in three or four run groups
---Novice - Zero to two previous track outings.
---Intermediate - Three to ten track days.
---Advanced - Too many track days to count.
---Other marques - Non Atom high performance cars.
---Each day we will start out running all groups as shown in 12-15 minute sessions. If there are insufficient Non-Atom cars, they will run in the Advanced group and the session times will be extended to rotate all groups each hour.
---Each driver will be expected to run at least one session in the group to which he/she is orginally assigned, afterwhich he/she can apply with the track coordinator to be moved to a different group.
---We will run counterclockwise on Tuesday, clockwise on Wednesday and Thursday's direction will be decided by consesnus on Wednesday evening

Exhibition of Speed
---Three examples of quick Atoms will be on the track with three examples of Non-Atom cars.
---AS in 2007, those in attendance and not driving will have special facilitated vantagepoints from which to observe the on-track action.
---This is not a competition, but a demonstration of how different vehicles achieve lap times in different ways.
---It will also serve to demonstrate different approaches to driving the track at Hallett.
---This event will be run in the counterclockwise direction.
---Event will take up roughly the first hour of track time on the day it is held.

[img width=800 height=532] ... G_0419.jpg[/img]

Atoms in Formation video/photo session
---All hands on board to record the anticipated record number of Atoms in attendance!
---Specific details will remain undisclosed until the pre-formation meeting.
---Event will take up roughly the first hour of track time on the day it is held.

Follow the leader
---This event will occur during the first session of the novice and intermediate groups
---A pace car will drive the prefered line with all other cars in single file
---At the conclusion each lap, the first following car will drop to the back of the line
---Repeat untill each car has driven directly behind the pace car.
---Complete the remaining session time without the pace car
---Repeat this on Wednesday morning for the first day of clockwise direction

Passenger demonstration rides
---Three lap demonstration rides for visitors
---Drivers to be selected/approved by event staff
---Share the track experience with the less privileged
---Session availability for demo rides to be determined/approved by event staff

---??? Please give me your input on this one

Of course appropriate disclaimers and waivers of liability will be required and each on-track participant will be subject to the rules and guidlines of Hallett Motor Racing Circuit, AtomFest event staff and out respective insurance providers. All drivers must attend the morning driver meetings in order to be eligible to drive that day. Novices must attend driver education classes which will be furnished by AtomFest selected/approved instructors each morning. Ride along/drive along instructors will be available and are strongly recommended for novice and intermediate drivers.

[img width=800 height=532] ... G_0184.jpg[/img]

AtomFest begins officially 60 Days from tomorrow!


Re: AtomFest Track Event/Competition Thread Sept 2009.

Post by CalScot » Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:06 am

Some initial feedback from me is as follows:

12-15 minute sessions is nowhere close to being long enough. 20 minutes should be the minimum. I've run 15 minute sessions and it's not enjoyable as you are just getting in the grove and then your flagged in  :td:

A dedicated Run group for NON Atoms?? Surely you are joking! This is Atomfest. I am all for a "select" few other cars to help fill out some numbers and bring some interest, but stick them in the appropriate run group based on ability and the cars speed. I have no problem running with other cars as long as they can keep up or stay on line and keep out of trouble getting passed.

I don't have much input on an Autocross other than I would not be interested if it was offsite of the main track venue and if it was at the track, I'd give it a try.


Re: AtomFest Track Event/Competition Thread Sept 2009.

Post by DarthChicken » Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:36 am

Another suggestion - the exhibition of speed should be the very first day.. the very first item IMO.  Watching others go around the track, and seeing their line really helped me, and I heard others say the same thing. 


Re: AtomFest Track Event/Competition Thread Sept 2009.

Post by positron » Wed Jul 15, 2009 2:12 am

Another suggestion - the exhibition of speed should be the very first day.. the very first item IMO.  Watching others go around the track, and seeing their line really helped me, and I heard others say the same thing. 

^ yeah that..

Other marques in their own group is ok by me, so long as it doesn't take away track time. Especially if it defrays some cost to the whole. Prefer their own run group so I can watch.

Also don't think it's a good idea to run other marques with new Atom drivers, it should be a controlled "learning/fun" environment.

Speaking of which, I think it would a big value to the new to track drivers to have more lead/follow tutelage (pair up with the more familiar) rather than just open track. Unless they are just interested in going round and around. Which is fine too..

I'd like a session with the home track people to refamilarize with the local line. I don't mean conga line of 10, 2 maybe three for a couple of laps. We're a small enough group to buddy up for a couple of sessions. There are plenty of sessions and some could have a purpose.. intentionally spin in the biatch, smooth line, shortest distance traveled (traqmate).. etc. Not all of us are there to break the track record..

I don't care for AC and don't particularly care to trade a session for it. I'm sure there is a local WalMart that sells beer..

20 minute session works pretty well at 3 per hour. ie you might run at every top of the hour.
Last edited by positron on Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:30 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: AtomFest Track Event/Competition Thread Sept 2009.

Post by 1965Cobra427 » Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:54 am

I appreciate the feedback - please keep it coming!  :tu:

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