2008 West Coast Adventure June 7th-13th - Pre-Event Discussions

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Re: 2008 West Coast Adventure June 7th-13th - Pre-Event Discussions

Post by Mr.Woolery » Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:44 am

I have booked a room.

We now have a Che' Spaz...debauchery will be welcomed.


Re: 2008 West Coast Adventure June 7th-13th - Pre-Event Discussions

Post by fishkiller » Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:32 am

Since nobody stepped up to the plate to bring firewood.
I'll cut down some of the neighbors trees.
If I get drunk enough, I'll even split the logs into fire wood.
Seeing that Peter is bringing a portable firepit, having something to burn in it would go nice.
Lets plan on a fire, Tuesday night at the track.
That's where I plan to be leaving my trailer anyway. I hope there is a gate with a padlock at the track.
What time do we have to be out of the track, before the gate gets locked???
Yep, I have reservations at the BW, so I'll be crashing there after the welcome party.


Re: 2008 West Coast Adventure June 7th-13th - Pre-Event Discussions

Post by CalScot » Thu Jun 05, 2008 4:12 am

I have some firewood cut & in my trailer. Not a huge amount but enough to get drunk on. ;D


Re: 2008 West Coast Adventure June 7th-13th - Pre-Event Discussions

Post by bolus » Thu Jun 05, 2008 4:14 am

get drunk on firewood?  is that some sort of euphemism? firewood?


Re: 2008 West Coast Adventure June 7th-13th - Pre-Event Discussions

Post by CalScot » Thu Jun 05, 2008 4:19 am

I can't sit at a campfire and not drink. If I have enough wood to get drunk on that means at least 10 Guiness at 15 minutes average per pint so at least 2.5 hours of firewood. Probably enough for two nights worth since it's a wee fire pit. :laugh:


Re: 2008 West Coast Adventure June 7th-13th - Pre-Event Discussions

Post by fishkiller » Thu Jun 05, 2008 4:21 am

Does that mean I don't need to bring any firewood?
I was thinking that a fire  would last for 5 hours.

What time do the gates get locked at the track??


Re: 2008 West Coast Adventure June 7th-13th - Pre-Event Discussions

Post by CalScot » Thu Jun 05, 2008 4:54 am

A few updates on some logistics:

I have several 5 gallon gas cans with me. So anybody that needs to use them it's no problem. I will just be using the tracks 110 leaded pump stuff.
There will be plenty tools. If you want to save space, don't bring any surplus. I have enough stuff to build an Atom! We have jacks, jack stands, air compressors, a major tool kit. Every kind of auto fluid, alignment gear, corner balancing scales and god knows what else.

Make sure you bring your checkbook! Yes, I need the rest of the track fees when I see you all as I have paid it all for over a month now. There's no backing out now. Fortunately, we have over the minimum and we are all on track to show up.

Anybody NOT going to the dinner at the Gold Hill Hotel on Wednesday night let me know by tomorrow morning as I have to put a head count in to the chef by the afternoon. It will be a nice night so please hang in there. Folks with partners or guests, let me know if you can. All are welcome, it's just important for me to give them a reasonably accurate head count so they can get it organized and we get in and get served in a prompt fashion. The meal will be a fixed choice of meat, chicken, vegie and maybe a fish option. Any preferences, look at the Gold Hill Hotel link in the "official" thread, read the menu and let me know.

Make sure you have all the track paperwork signed and ready. It's all on the links of the "official" thread.

Make sure you have the required saftey equipment. If you are not sure, call Pro Control or PM me. It's all outlined on the track info.

Make sure you have booked the Hotel. The magic fairies wont do it for you. There's over 200 cars in the SCCA Nationals starting on Friday 14th at RFR. The Hotel might get over booked for the Thurday night, so please get on it.

Anybody needs to call me, it's 949-702-4160. I will not be online much as I am slammed with stuff to do before I leave on Saturday early.

There is still an opportunity for any Atom owner to join in. We also have 3 slots for other cars. We have one Lotus coming so far. We can accept up to four "other" cars. So if your buddy wants to come and join and he has some track experience and a decent track car that wont look silly getting lapped, bring them along.


Re: 2008 West Coast Adventure June 7th-13th - Pre-Event Discussions

Post by CalScot » Thu Jun 05, 2008 4:59 am

Does that mean I don't need to bring any firewood?
I was thinking that a fire  would last for 5 hours.

What time do the gates get locked at the track??

I was told the track would be secure. I did not get a time when they lock the gates. Good question. I will try to find that out.
I do not have a whole bunch of room for a ton of wood. If you have the room, bring a few beers worth ;D

Terry Kennedy

Re: 2008 West Coast Adventure June 7th-13th - Pre-Event Discussions

Post by Terry Kennedy » Thu Jun 05, 2008 7:44 am

There is still an opportunity for any Atom owner to join in.[/quote]

I'm really disappointed that I'll be missing out on this, but I'm busy getting my Atom ready to ship to Europe for the club's summer tour. Be sure to post pics and updates for those of us stuck at home...


Re: 2008 West Coast Adventure June 7th-13th - Pre-Event Discussions

Post by Driver » Thu Jun 05, 2008 4:44 pm

Hello from Tucson. Sitting here visiting the folks for a few minutes, had breakfast with em.

Lets see... Firepits, drunks stumbling around the open fire, a little different from AtomFest.. let the shenanigans begin. :)  Will see you tonight CalScott.


Re: 2008 West Coast Adventure June 7th-13th - Pre-Event Discussions

Post by Mr.Woolery » Thu Jun 05, 2008 7:52 pm

Since I'm not planning to hit Buttonwillow, I have an alternative schedule to get to Reno.  My alternative driving "plan" (I put this in quotes because it's anything BUT a rigorous plan) for getting to Reno:

-Saturday morning:  After leaving from Cars And Coffee, I think I'll to head into/through the LA area...make a sweep down Hollywood Blvd., hit Rodeo Drive (in 1st gear to scare the locals with loud Atom exhaust), then head north along the coast.  I think maybe we could make Solvang for a nice Scandanavian smorgasbord lunch.  After that, continue on up the coast...enjoying the ride and maybe staying the night somewhere between San Simeon and Monterey.  Some of the Buttonwillow participants may be joining in on part of this fun before splitting off and heading towards Buttonwillow...

-Sunday:  This is where things become more fuzzy...Depending on where we stop for the night, maybe we make the EuroSunday event in San Jose on Sunday morning.  Maybe do some driving in the local area (maybe San Fran or something else, I'm open to suggestions)?  If we like, we could head inland towards Yosemite...

-Monday:  Drive to meet up with the Buttonwillow particpant caravan as they make their way north through the inland passage...meet them somewhere in the Mammoth area and join in on the Monday night camping.

-Tuesday onward:  WCA as planned.

If anyone is interested in doing the "unplanned scenic route" with me, we can spontaneously form our molecule at Cars And Coffee.  ;)


Re: 2008 West Coast Adventure June 7th-13th - Pre-Event Discussions

Post by nickpoore » Fri Jun 06, 2008 7:00 pm

I'm bringing a Traqmate setup for Calscot to use for UTC. If anyone is coming to Buttonwillow with a PC laptop and willing to download the latest Traqview software, it will save me from lugging one through the airport. I can handle the download, install and operation of the Traqmate software if you like. We're flying out on Friday, so if possible, please let me know here or by PM.


I have the latest TraqStudio software (with video) on my laptop.
More than happy to process, etc.

UPDATE: I will not be at Button Willow, just WCA...
Last edited by nickpoore on Fri Jun 06, 2008 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: 2008 West Coast Adventure June 7th-13th - Pre-Event Discussions

Post by bolus » Fri Jun 06, 2008 7:07 pm

I have a chasecam and a performancebox GPS recorder that I could loan out (if darth wants to bring them with him that is).    I used it to record this video

The data can be analyzed with free software for lap times, g forces, etc

if someone would want to use it I can see if darth would not mind bringing it with him


Re: 2008 West Coast Adventure June 7th-13th - Pre-Event Discussions

Post by EricHowe » Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:22 pm

well guys
I wish you all an amazing week. To say I am pissed off about not being with you is somewhat of an understatement. Nice weather, great company, great driving. Its going to be a lot of fun. Enjoy it and I will try and be with you next year. :)


Re: 2008 West Coast Adventure June 7th-13th - Pre-Event Discussions

Post by fishkiller » Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:24 pm

I have a chasecam and a performancebox GPS recorder that I could loan out (if darth wants to bring them with him that is).    I used it to record this video

The data can be analyzed with free software for lap times, g forces, etc

if someone would want to use it I can see if darth would not mind bringing it with him

If your offering and Darth can bring it, I'd like to use it.  I've got the six-speed installed now and I'd like to share with others the advantages.
Thanks for the offer.

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