Cars and Coffee 1/12/08

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Re: Cars and Coffee 1/12/08

Post by Driver » Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:10 am

But the body isn't below the level of the lip of the rim is it? And ultimately if it were too low to pass just crank down on the adjustable springs and raise the ride height. Easy enough right? I see where the regulation could come into play though.


Re: Cars and Coffee 1/12/08

Post by positron » Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:26 am

It's a point of hasslement...Something for the fuzz to hassle you about..

Monster trucks have over height and the mud flap thing to get pulled over, the lowriders have under height.

Being held down by the MAN... (but not below the rims)


Re: Cars and Coffee 1/12/08

Post by DarthChicken » Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:28 am

[quote="Positron #73"]
I think it's the other way round. Body below rims.

24008.  It is unlawful to operate any passenger vehicle, or commercial vehicle under 6,000 pounds, which has been modified from the original design so that any portion of the vehicle, other than the wheels, has less clearance from the surface of a level roadway than the clearance between the roadway and the lowermost portion of any rim of any wheel in contact with the roadway.


note... MODIFIED from its original design. 


Re: Cars and Coffee 1/12/08

Post by positron » Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:43 am

yeah.. you keep that one in your répertoire and you'll be saying...

Last edited by positron on Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:47 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Cars and Coffee 1/12/08

Post by CalScot » Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:08 pm

I drive through Laguna Beach often. Glad Fiesty paved the way with introducing the Atom to what appears to be most of the city police department.
I can hear the  :police: now discussing it at the local doughnut shop. "If only we caught that masked Zorro guy!"
If I was not bursting for the potty, I would have turned back and we could have had some coool pictures of Fiesty spread over the Atom getting frisked :laugh:

Can we do it again next week?


Re: Cars and Coffee 1/12/08

Post by fiestycolumbian » Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:55 pm

Glad Fiesty paved the way with introducing the Atom to what appears to be most of the city police department.
I can hear the  :police: now discussing it at the local doughnut shop. "If only we caught that masked Zorro guy!"
If I was not bursting for the potty, I would have turned back and we could have had some coool pictures of Fiesty spread over the Atom getting frisked :laugh:

Can we do it again next week?
:D :D Typical Calscot. Thank god he wasnt there to take pictures, or it would have been complete humiliation for me. You think you had to take a sh1t, I almost took a sh1t in my pants, when I saw 5 patrols cars pull me over!!
Can we do it again???!!! ??? ???, are you crazy!! You and Spaz are incapable of driving the speed limit. And the scary part of it, is that you guys are rubbing off on me. One of these days when we are cruising around all 3 of us are going to get our atoms taken away from us!! Do you really want that!!
On a side note, I tried to drive slow after the incident, but as soon as I hit the toll lanes, I was at triple digits again. This car just cannot be driven slow. Driving the atom at the speed limit is like a slow agonizing death. Id rather jump off a cliff than drive the atom slow, its like oil and water; slow and atom just dont mix.  :)


Re: Cars and Coffee 1/12/08

Post by CalScot » Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:28 am

One day you will look back and laugh your ass off at those six cop cars. I'd be proud of a good bar story like that one :laugh:


Re: Cars and Coffee 1/12/08

Post by Mr.Woolery » Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:38 am

Consider it a rite of passage.  I've been pulled over three times, and each time has been for a barely passable reason (like 35 in a 30 zone).  Every time, the officer(s) really just wanted to see the car, ask all the same questions you got, etc. and let me go without a ticket.

You just got the Mega-Deluxe version of the "Ariel Atom Experience" with 6 police cars.  :laugh:  The biggest crowd I ever pulled was three cars (the first time I was pulled over).  Had I seen what happened to you, I woulda stopped with you too.

Funny thing is, I was passed by a motorcycle cop less than 5 minutes after making that turn.  He didn't give me a second look.  If they really wanted me, they woulda had me so easy, as that whole area turns into a granny-driving town--I was putt putt putting down the road at a snail's pace.  That part of town you can't go faster than 35 anyway even if you wanted to.  :laugh:


Re: Cars and Coffee 1/12/08

Post by fiestycolumbian » Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:36 am

Yeah, it was just a matter of time I got pulled over, just didnt expect a police entourage. It is a good bar story though :D. My SB100 story is just as funny/scary, so I am just racking up the police horror stories. :laugh: I am not mad at the speeding, just that firecracker of an ecotec engine sound got me caught. My Honda is actually pretty quiet under 5.5k revs, compared to the ecotec. Spaz how do you not get stopped all he time?? :P
Im game to go for a drive again in the next few weeks. :pop:


Re: Cars and Coffee 1/12/08

Post by Mr.Woolery » Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:46 am

Yes, let's.  ;)

Yeah, the Ecotec can be loud.  One of my favorite hooliganisms is to drive down Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills....and keeping it in 1st gear.  I love the sound of the engine at 5000rpm echoing off the buildings.




Re: Cars and Coffee 1/12/08

Post by maverick1 » Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:11 am

[quote="The Masked Spaz"]
Yes, let's.  ;)

Yeah, the Ecotec can be loud.  One of my favorite hooliganisms is to drive down Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills....and keeping it in 1st gear.  I love the sound of the engine at 5000rpm echoing off the buildings.


Spaz....I was thinking of doing that same thing...I guess you beat me to it. I still might give it a try one day and piss off all the snobs walking down Rodeo drive with theirs heads up their asses...LOL LOL 
What day would be best?? Saturday?


Re: Cars and Coffee 1/12/08

Post by rfmarz@frontiernet » Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:21 pm

You guys are f'in crazy. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Re: Cars and Coffee 1/12/08

Post by j.vick125 » Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:02 am

Spaz....I was thinking of doing that same thing...I guess you beat me to it. I still might give it a try one day and piss off all the snobs walking down Rodeo drive with theirs heads up their asses...LOL LOL 
What day would be best?? Saturday?

A Saturday drive after C&C?

Oh and Mav, your question about why C&C is at 7am was never answered.  It's basically to draw in the more hard core car enthusiast people. Not the people that will be out there in their modified civics and what not doing donuts and whatnot.  Though they occasionally make it out.

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