Thank you's for Atom Fest

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Bruce Fielding
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Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by Bruce Fielding » Wed Oct 24, 2007 7:41 am

...all ended well Till pants started fall off...

I think you mean TROUSERS, Sami!
Ariel Atom Owners Club founder, based in Central London

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Bruce Fielding
Posts: 16320
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Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by Bruce Fielding » Wed Oct 24, 2007 8:02 am

Incidentally, if any of you ever find yourselves in London looking for a quiet night in - don't bother getting in touch.

However, should you want a fun night out... I'll be happy to oblige. The place I usually go drinking doesn't have quite the same types of women - although I have been told that some people find them scary in other ways... ;D
Ariel Atom Owners Club founder, based in Central London


Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by CalScot » Wed Oct 24, 2007 8:34 pm

Now that I am home and in a position to think somewhat clearly, I still do not know where to start on the thanking. It could get quite lengthy.

Randy Lamp:
The week leading up to the fest, I was in a major quandary. My car was in pieces and the chances of getting the S/C kit in time looked bleak. I tried everything, but it was out of my control. I called Randy and he jumped into helper mode. He called around, put me in touch with Jim Sharp and Synergy Auto and just tried real hard to help me find a spare ECU that might get me running as mines was in the UK getting tuned. Randy offered me his second Atom if I came without mine.

Jim Sharp and Synergy:
Jim looked at all the options of helping me get my car up and running. He was in the process of ordering me a new ECU just so I could get my car running. He offered to give me the â??Synergyâ?� Porsche Cayman to use if I could not get my car running. Synergy offered to install my S/C kit through the night if need be up to the day before the fest if I got it in time.

There are very few times in ones life when we have the privilege to meet people like this who would so unselfishly try so hard to help someone that they had never even met. Especially one like me who talks funny! I was deeply touched by this outpouring of support. It actually brought tears to my eyes, just as it does to reflect back upon it. That made my decision to go to Atomfest. I was going, Atom or not.

When I got to Hallet, I got tons of help from Randyâ??s family. Brothers, Nephews, Grandkids and whoever they all were. Setting up the RV, food, drinks and friendship. They were all a great help until the second I left. Helping me with the trailer, hauling stuff, you name it; I could count of friendly help and unwavering support. I got constant offers of support from all the Synergy guys, who also brought a great beer selection by the way.

Thursday afternoon my car had a major fuel leak from a cracked tank. The UK factory guys were right there to help Joe and me. At first they volunteered info and advice. When they could see that Joe was being pulled in ten directions and that I am a useless bugger, they just slipped right in and pretty much did the entire removal, Joe did a great TIG weld repair and then the factory guys were there again and re-installed the tank. This was a full day of work for two guys. What a great bunch. I was deeply appreciative. The end of Friday, just in time for a half a session, my car was back on the track with new slicks as well. The factory guys saved my trip and made Saturday possible.

The giving from so many will live with me forever. I am neither eloquent nor articulate enough to express just how much it meant to me.

John Lloyd

Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by John Lloyd » Wed Oct 24, 2007 9:08 pm

[quote="Bruce Fielding"]
...all ended well Till pants started fall off...

I think you mean TROUSERS, Sami!

No, she means pants  :o  :o   ::)
Last edited by John Lloyd on Wed Oct 24, 2007 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by benyeats » Wed Oct 24, 2007 9:19 pm

[quote="John Lloyd"]
[quote="Bruce Fielding"]
...all ended well Till pants started fall off...

I think you mean TROUSERS, Sami!

No, he means pants  :o  :o  ::)

I think he is a she



Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by starter » Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:34 am

Last I looked I was a she....And I mean Pants.And one more thing,,Not all oklahoma women weigh 300+...But I loved the time I got to spend with each and ever one of you wish we could have got to know each other better and hope we can all stay in touch...Sami  (samantha)


Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by Gage » Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:12 am

I just wanted to insert this picture of Ray with Fortress working on Eric's Atom.  He is a great guy to talk with and loves working on the Atom.

I'd like to extend a big thank you to Fortress for their support.  My car needed a new exhaust gasket on the second day and Ray helped get 'er fixed.  Of course this could not have happened without help from Jim & his team from Synergy - they went into Tulsa to get parts.   :tu: :tu: :tu:



Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by benyeats » Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:00 am

I just wanted to insert this picture of Ray with Fortress working on Eric's Atom.  He is a great guy to talk with and loves working on the Atom.


And a mad pick up driver


Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by Jammer » Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:16 am

I just wanted to insert this picture of Ray with Fortress working on Eric's Atom.   He is a great guy to talk with and loves working on the Atom.


And a mad pick up driver

Damn strait.. I followed him into Tulsa... hot damn

Mark K

Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by Mark K » Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:04 am


Once again thanks for organising a truly terrific event, it was an honor to be a part of it.

Like John Lloyd, Julie and I need to buy a few more Atomfest goodies, we'll be anxiously waiting for your inventory.

By any chance is the DVD that was playing on the big TV in the club room available for purchase?  Julie and I found the video clip of Joe driving the Atom with his footwork shown in a second inserted view to be really informative.

Thank you for allowing Julie and I to drive your beautiful red Atom, your generosity made the Tulsa cruise a night to remember!


Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by rfmarz@frontiernet » Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:36 pm

It's great to see all the pics! I have a very nice 10 MP camera that I simply couldn't lug around during the time we were there. It bumed me out but the quality of these photos are better than I would have gotten anyway!


Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by wisp » Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:36 am

Not all oklahoma women weigh 300+...

I'm guessing this might be someone from Oklahoma (found on the FOX23 News Forum)  :)



Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by CalScot » Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:36 am

She was one of the track hands. A real sweethart. They were all great!
I loved the people in OK. Sure we take the piss. And I have pictures to prove 400lbs+, (my god Spaz loved them and could not keep his hands off them.....Ok Spaz, it was them that asked you to dance...yeh right!!!). But there were some damn fine looking women there too. It's just a laugh!

15+ of us went to a local dive bar, in the back of a pick up with beer in hand screaming like the drunks we were. C'Mon, It was a blast. I think we all have a wee bit of Okie in us! I have way too much, as do several of you. That includes about every Brit there and plenty others.

I hope we do Atomfest 2 at the same place. I will be first in line. I had the best weekend in 20 years. Fast Cars, great company, good music. Damn, it was good fun! Life seem's pretty dull in the aftermath.
Party on!! :tu: :)


Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by rfmarz@frontiernet » Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:53 am

Well said Calscot! Yea, she was a sweetie and was very helpful with instructions for the riders. I'm almost sorry that I turned in before midnight. I would have liked to see Spaz bellin' up the 400 pound beasts! :laugh: Even though the US freeway system is in a shambles, I'd drive it all again as I, too, had a great time! Randy put on a gem of a feature! Now if I could only find a pair of sticky slicks and about 200 more HP to challenge your Atom! :tu:

Julie, I would have loved an opportunity to try to catch you and Mark in Randy's red Atom! Maybe next time you guys will trailer yours.

Doesn't it seem that life has suddenly become somewhat boring after atomFest?


Re: Thank you's for Atom Fest

Post by CalScot » Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:04 am

Your a gem.
You can just drive my car the next time if you like. Save your money!

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