Some new metal??? Sunday 12th July - CURRENTLY FULL

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Re: Some new metal??? Sunday 12th July - CURRENTLY FULL

by Karl V » Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:35 am

A video from one of the guys at the meet yesterday.

Get's a bit more interesting after the 2 minute mark.

Re: Some new metal??? Sunday 12th July - CURRENTLY FULL

by SvenTheHammer » Sun Jul 12, 2020 1:53 pm

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A few pics
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A few pics from this morning.

Re: Some new metal??? Sunday 12th July - CURRENTLY FULL

by SvenTheHammer » Sun Jul 12, 2020 12:37 pm

Karl V wrote: Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:04 am Nice little turn out this morning - and something a bit different to talk to owners of other marques.

And good to see the Ariel folks again!

Until next weekend's Breakfast Run then ;-)

That was good fun thanks Karl.

Re: Some new metal??? Sunday 12th July - CURRENTLY FULL

by Karl V » Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:04 am

Nice little turn out this morning - and something a bit different to talk to owners of other marques.

And good to see the Ariel folks again!

Until next weekend's Breakfast Run then ;-)

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Re: Some new metal??? Sunday 12th July - CURRENTLY FULL

by travelbug63 » Wed Jul 08, 2020 12:43 pm

See you Sunday

Re: Some new metal??? Sunday 12th July - CURRENTLY FULL

by Karl V » Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:57 am

Good stuff. Yeah, that's the one.

I'll be with Sven and Tom, so you'll probably hear 3 Ariels at 9am on a Sunday before you see us ;-)

Re: Some new metal??? Sunday 12th July - CURRENTLY FULL

by travelbug63 » Wed Jul 08, 2020 8:58 am

Just heard from Steve at Ariel, car been delivered back on Friday so I'm definitely in.

About a mile past Vines there is a Shell/Waitrose on the roundabout (probably the one you're referring to Karl), meet there ?

Re: Some new metal??? Sunday 12th July

by Karl V » Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:23 pm

Cool. I'll look at some options Sven.

Sounds like there should be 4 /maybe 5 Ariels going on Sunday (myself, Miles, Trigger, Sven and Tom), so we'll get to wave the flag good and proper ;-)

Sadly, the event organiser is saying that the event is pretty much full now, but they are running a waiting list. If anyone isn't able to go, please do let me know so that they can contact the waiting list. Similarly, if more spaces open between now and Sunday I'll let folk know.


Re: Some new metal??? Sunday 12th July

by SvenTheHammer » Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:48 pm

I’m up for this Karl. Where shall I meet you?

Re: Some new metal - Sunday 12th July

by Karl V » Tue Jul 07, 2020 11:21 am

Great news Miles!

I was just going to cut through Redhill, past Vines, then take the B2036 straight to the pub. Would somewhere along there work for you?

How about the Shell Garage at the bottom of the A23, say 9am?

Re: Some new metal???

by travelbug63 » Tue Jul 07, 2020 10:59 am

Just talking to Steve in service looks like mine is back tomorrow or Friday so I'll be there.

Possibly link up on route down if you fancy Karl ?

Re: Some new metal???

by Karl V » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:27 pm

Bad news people - I have today learnt that it's not sausage baps, it's bacon baps.

Sophie's Choice aside, the good news is that despite now being 'Fully Booked', the event organiser will always make make room for another Ariel. I think they mean Atom and not my lard-ass Nomad...

Anyone near Crawley this Sunday fancy meeting up at the Cowdray Arms car park to mix with other car owners, from the lofty heights of an Ariel pedestal?

Sausage. Bacon. Meh...

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Re: Some new metal???

by GraemeW » Mon Jun 29, 2020 8:27 pm

You miss the point ....

Re: Some new metal???

by Karl V » Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:11 pm

Thanks Graeme.

Just to be clear though, I'm not organising this event on the 12th July. I'm taking pleasure in just turning up - after someone else has had the hassle of organising it - and showing my support.

I'll be honest, they had me at 'coffee and sausage bap' ;D

Re: Some new metal???

by GraemeW » Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:42 pm

Karl weve spoken about this off line, but I will try and make my point again.

I as a petrolhead, like most others on this forum, would only be too happy to meet up with other clubs, and look at their cars etc. As a one off or a series of one-offs its great, and we have done plenty of those own the past years, perhaps 1 or 2 a year. However, you have indicated you want to organise more of these meets on a regular basis.

Having a number of different types of meets is great, because not everyone goes to the same type of meet. However having 2 or 3 SE breakfast meets a month, I don't think is practical. We are a small club and only attract an average of 5 to 6 per meet. So we are splitting an already small breakfast meet audience over too many?

As you probably know organising an event, takes a bit of time and effort to plan, research, check roads, venues, parking, fuelling etc etc. Even the simple breakfast meets, with the optional after breakfast Blat on some good roads, takes a little effort to check out, so that attendees can just turn up and go without worrying about anything, and just enjoy the driving etc.

Yes I have resigned as Club events coordinator, but I still plan to put together a series of events, as every member can, to enjoy our cars. But I don't think its worth me for example, searching for suitable venues with secure parking for say 10 cars when only 2 turn up. We should get our own club breakfast meets established (and also across the country) before we have regular joint meets with other clubs. As we grow, thanks to your efforts, this will be less of an issue.

I'm retired, and wouldn't mind, and probably you as well, being out at a breakfast meet every weekend, but most here are working and with families, so have other priorities, and only have time for 1 maybe 2 (different) Ariel club events a month. Thats my 2p anyway.

We as a wider group of members need to decide what we want in terms of breakfast meets; combine with other clubs, or focus on Ariel club breakfast meets....or is there enough people to attend both?
